Dietary fibre polysaccharides in the digestive tract: physical properties and nutrition implications

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QAAFI Science Seminar

Presented by Prof. Mike Gidley
Director of Centre for Nutrition & Food Sciences at QAAFI


Plant cell walls and associated polysaccharides (a.k.a. dietary fibre) play a pivotal role in the digestion of a healthy diet, mostly as the defining structural characteristic of whole grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Credible hypotheses can be constructed to link cell wall properties of these plant-based foods to reduction in risk factors for major non-communicable diseases.

The physical properties of plant cell wall polysaccharide components relevant to digestive tract functionality can be grouped into (i) bulk structuring, (ii) transport barriers, and (iii) molecular binding. Examples of each type of functionality from both in vitro and in vivo studies will be presented.

The conventional sub-division of dietary fibre into soluble and insoluble types disguises the reality that the physical form of plant cell walls in digesta is typically intermediate between the extremes of dissolved polymers and non-swollen solid particles which are often used to exemplify soluble and insoluble fibre fractions. An alternative method of categorising dietary fibres is proposed based on a combination of particle/molecule size and effective density.

About Prof. Mike Gidley

Prof. Gidley obtained a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Chemistry, at the University of London in 1977 and went on to complete his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Cambridge in 1982.

Before establishing CNAFS in 2003 (a joint initiative between UQ and the Queensland Government), Prof. Gidley worked for Unilever Research in the United Kingdom for more than 20 years, beginning as a research scientist and culminating as the Group Leader for Plant-based Foods and Ingredients.

Prof. Gidley’s major research interest is the linking of plant molecular structures to macroscopic properties with relevance to plant-based food properties. In particular, Prof. Gidley is interested in investigating polysaccharide assemblies such as plant cell walls (as part of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls and starch granules, particularly the way these structures are assembled in nature and then disassembled during manufacturing and later during digestion.

Prof. Gidley’s field of research involves the use of spectroscopic, microscopic and materials analyses of natural materials and model systems. Insights into structure-property relationships are obtained and can then be used to provide targets for raw materials and processes with enhanced food and nutritional properties.

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