Cauliflower Broccoli Soup

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you need chicken or turkey soup stock. Broccoli and cauliflower. Cheddar cheese. Milk or heavy cream. Salt and pepper to taste. Flour and butter for a rue.
You can make this soup with just broccoli or cauliflower.
For 2 pints of soup stock add about 1 cup of vegetables and 1/4 cup of cheese. For the rue use 1tbsp butter or margarine and 1 tbsp flour.
Don’t add the salt until you are almost ready to serve it. Use 1 tbsp milk powder or 1/2 cup of half and half if you want. It is not necessary for the taste.
I said I had only one pint of chicken stock and that was why I used turkey. Well a word of advice, check your cupboard before you panic. I found 4 more pints of chicken in the kitchen cupboard. Oh well I will have about 8 more tomorrow when I can the stock I was making today.

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